True and I for the Gap Body Campaign!


This campaign was exceptional for me in more ways than one. I have been a curve model for fifteen years at this point, and you always hope to book, “big campaigns.” But, for most of the curve models who have been in the industry ten+ years, they know that it is only in the recent years that companies like Gap would use women like me as a model. The best part of the whole experience was that I wasn’t selected because I am a “model.” I was selected for the work I have done with Healthy is the new Skinny and creating Natural Model Management.

I know for a lot of women who aren’t in the industry it is easy to look at models and wish you were like them… but the reality is, only being validated for your looks doesn’t feel good. It is like Instagram, it might give you a temporary boost of self-esteem, but it always leaves you needing more validation and outside sources of value in order to feel like you are enough.

If anything, I hope to show women and other models that if you are brave enough to be yourself and stand for something more than being pretty, you can find the kind of success you desire. The type of success and achievement that feels good in your soul.


