DIY: How to Make Your Own Mask


Now, we need to wear masks when we leave the house! Don’t have one? I got you covered! This is a simple DIY for sewing your own masks and it is easy. True keeps asking us questions that start off with “When the whole world is not sick……” and today she said she wanted to be a doctor to help the world. She put on her Doctor outfit and was doing FaceTime check ups with family. It was the cutest thing ever.


She is holding a stack of masks that I made from this pattern. I am sending these masks to my grandparents living facility in Washington State and to my mother in-law who is in an assisted living home in Ohio. She loves to be an active part of the community and has felt helpless during these times so I made masks for her to hand out to her friends and neighbors. She was beyond excited about that.


I also received a few messages online from some of my followers who asked if they could buy some. I am happy to send them your way if you want to cover shipping! Just send me a message. In a few hours I able to make 35 masks or so. I will keep them coming! Here is the pattern:


At my local Walmart, they sell fabric samples that are 18”x 20”. I just happened to have a few stacks of those because I liked the vintage prints and they worked perfectly! I folded them in half and cut three masks from one sheet!


After making a few, I realized how we could improve this pattern a little. In this top stitch, you can put a pipe cleaner, like the ones you have for crafting, it works perfect to pinch over the nose and hold the mask to your face! If you don’t have one, don’t worry. It still works fine without.


Also, if you don’t have elastic, you can use string. You just need to measure to see what fits your face best because each persons face is different. But, it is simple! We hope this helps you stay safe and healthy! Sending you love from our family! Let us know if you aren’t feeling well and True will FaceTime you and check your temp! :)
