The Changing Faces of Wellness Panel at Wellspring


I have been fortunate to be able to share my message at several Wanderlust Festivals across the country. Wellspring, in Palm Springs, was my favorite Wanderlust festival so far. This festival was more about the evolution of wellness and I was asked to speak on a panel, “The Changing Faces of Wellness” with some incredible people.


Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts

Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts received her Ph.D. from the Division of Educational Studies at Emory University in 2014. Relying on ethnography and narrative inquiry as her primary research methods, Chelsea explores the lived experiences of individuals across multiple communities. Chelsea’s most recent research utilizes the lived experiences of Black teen yoga practitioners who use yoga and storytelling as mediums for critical literacy development.


Dan Nevins

Dan is a professional speaker who, for over a decade, has shared an inspirational message of leadership, perseverance, resilience and overcoming adversity with audiences around the globe. His work with professional and business communities enables his passion of sharing and teaching yoga to the world.


Michael James Wong

Founder and vision behind JUST BREATHE, BOYS OF YOGA & SUNDAY SCHOOL YOGA, Michael is leading these global projects focused on creating community, connection & quiet in the real world. Michael is recognised around the world as a leading voice in the global wellness movement for modern mindfulness.



Kerri Kelly

Kerri is the founder of CTZNWELL, an emerging movement to mobilize people into a powerful force for wellbeing for all. She spent seven years as Executive Director of the non-profit Off the Mat, Into the World and is currently board chair. She is relentless in her commitment to elevating leaders, groups and projects to next-level social change makers through her work with The Catalyst Collective, an innovative consultancy designed for mission-based individuals, groups, and organizations that want to be successful and make a difference in the world.

See! I wasn’t joking… these people are amazing human beings who are doing such important work within their communities. We had a much needed conversation about the evolution of wellness and how we can each do our part to make wellness accessible and available to all people. I am so grateful to know these people an the many others I have met at Wanderlust festivals over the years. Change is on the horizon and we all have to do our part to create it! Hope you were inspired by this conversation.



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