Posts tagged fashion
What Influencers and Models Can Do More to Give Back

In the “Insta” world of models, influencers, and free stuff, what are any of us doing to give back? This was a question I had to ask myself and be ready for the honest answer; not enough. When I reflected on 2018 I felt nothing but complete gratitude for all the abundance in my life and I wanted to dedicate 2019 to giving more. I have enough, I have done enough, I am fulfilled, and therefor I want to help others in need. Read more about how I am taking action in 2019!

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Self-Love Panel Discussion with BooHoo in Hollywood

Take a look at our Self-Love panel discussion with Boohoo in Hollywood. We got real, talked about struggles women face on social media, and in business. Plus, we still managed to have some laughs because that is what we do best! Click here for a sneak peek!

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