My Day 1 of 90: Labor of Love Health Challenge


It is day 1 of a 90-day commitment, and I doubt myself. I couldn’t sleep last night after Bradford, and I attended our class to become foster parents. This process that we have just started is complicated to comprehend, and it weighs heavy on your heart. Especially mine because I tend to be more empathic and feed off of energy. Today, I woke up feeling tired and drained. I am still getting over two weeks of a cold that turned into a stomach bug. I have had great success with our 21-day challenges and have been able to create a healthier relationship with my body and fitness through that process, but I have never made a 90-day commitment before and it is a little scary.

One thing I have learned about my feelings is that they aren’t always accurate. It is okay to feel them, but it is also okay to analyze them. Why am I scared to make this commitment? Well, I worry I won’t complete it, I will let myself down, and I will fail. At this time my conscious mind kicks in and ask: How can I fail if I am working to better my health and my life? I can’t!

For anyone who is starting something new in life that is challenging and requiring a level of commitment that makes you uncomfortable, know you can’t fail. The outcome is unknown, but the intentions behind what you do are what matters most! As long as you are working to better yourself, you are succeeding. We are all human, and we are all doing our best to manage the fear and anxiety that comes with growth.

I have realized there is no perfect time to commit to better yourself. There is not a preferred day of the week, location, size, weight, or relationship status that will change things for you more than your dedication to yourself. Today, I don’t physically or spiritually feel amazing, but I am no longer allowing that to change my ability to care for myself.

That being said, I am headed to a new workout class after work, and I am scheduling 30 minutes tonight to light candles, turn on meditation music, and take time to rebalance my body and energy.

I got this. You got this. Here we go!