Posts tagged real talk
My Day 1 of 90: Labor of Love Health Challenge

Today is day 1 of a 90 day health commitment and I am feeling scared. One thing I have learned about my feelings is that they aren’t always accurate. It is okay to feel them, but it is also okay to analyze them. Why am I scared to make this commitment? Well, I worry I won’t complete it, I will let myself down, and I will fail. At this time my conscious mind kicks in and ask: How can I fail if I am working to better my health and my life? I can’t!

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Why Plus Size Models Don't Promote Obesity

Katie Willcox goes on a rant to explain why plus-size models don't promote obesity and why we should be encouraging plus size women to feel included in fashion. Plus she shows you how to give your boyfreind jeans a boho makeover!

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