Posts tagged health
Let's Talk About Jillian Michael’s Comments About Lizzo's Body

This week, Jillian Michaels is under fire for her comments about singer Lizzo’s body. We do need conversations about health, but we also have to realize that this isn’t the best approach. In this video, I share some of my opinions about what was said and how we can speak about health in the media moving forward.

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Utah State University Lecture Recap

Last week, I gave a lecture at Utah State University for mental health week and it was one of my favorite presentations so far. The students were extremely kind, engaging, and welcoming. I was thrilled to have men join us for this important conversation and to hear their feedback as well. Check out the recap here!

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My Day 1 of 90: Labor of Love Health Challenge

Today is day 1 of a 90 day health commitment and I am feeling scared. One thing I have learned about my feelings is that they aren’t always accurate. It is okay to feel them, but it is also okay to analyze them. Why am I scared to make this commitment? Well, I worry I won’t complete it, I will let myself down, and I will fail. At this time my conscious mind kicks in and ask: How can I fail if I am working to better my health and my life? I can’t!

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Cauliflower & Quinoa Taco Soup on a Budget

A lot of people believe that eating healthy is more expensive. It can be, but with effort, you can make organic healthy recipes like this cauliflower and quinoa taco soup for an affordable price.! The total price for all the ingredients in this recipe was $30. After splitting this huge pot of organic soup into 12 servings, the total price per bowl was $2.50!

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Girl Gang Hang at Mayweather Boxing Hollywood

We had a blast at our HNS Girl Gang Hang at Mayweather Boxing Gym in Hollywood last weekend. We love trying new ways to workout and this class was so fun! We were burning 700-800 calories in one hour! That is how much ass we kicked! Take a look at our video recap and photos here!

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Raise Your Hand if You Are Wearing Shorts This Summer!

I hear women say the strangest things about their bodies and when it comes to wearing shorts, the self-deprecating comments seem to flow freely without a second thought. I wanted to find out why that is? Why are shorts so scary for us as girls and women? I sat down with four amazing women from Natural Models LA to find out more about their relationship with their legs and how they healthily manage their insecurities! So it's time to get your hands up and join us in wearing shorts this summer!

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5 Tips to Get Active, Get healthy, and Improve Your Postpartum Body Image!

There are so many different aspects of postpartum body image and health that we don’t talk about. I did some thinking to understand why we feel shame and judgment for a body that just created life and give you five tips to get active, get healthy, and improve your postpartum body image.

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